Race Info
time to afterparty:
June 29, 2025 at 3:00 PM CEST in Hranice v Čechách (CZ)
1000 miles - Nová Sedlica (SK)
2000 miles - Třebeň u Chebu (CZ)
Race Route
The race follows a fixed course that riders need to fully stick to. Riders receive the route in .gpx format at least one week before the start.
The route is about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) long; alternatively, participants can ride half the race (500 miles) with the finish in Jeseníky mountains (only Northern route).
In 2025 there will be a route 2,000 miles (3,200 km) around Czech and Slovakia Republic.
Runners and walkers can choose their own route and progress – they only have obligatory points on the route that they must visit.
For details about the race route, see the ROUTE page.
There are several checkpoints on-route which offer basic ressources for the participants.
One of the checkpoints is about half the way through the route, it also serves as "half-way finish" at 500 miles.
You can participate in the race any way "under your own steam". We have the following official categories:
- Mountainbike
- Tandem bike
- Walker/Runner
- Scooter
Each category is further sub-divided according to age and gender:
- Men < 50 years
- Men > 50 years (year of birth 1974 and older)
- Women < 50 years
- Women > 50 years (year of birth 1974 and older)
You will receive infinite fame and a FINISHER T-shirt for your route. All who reach any of the finishes and hand in the successfully completed route in .gpx format will receive a T-shirt with their name on it.
After the end of the race, there will be a Afterparty in the Czech Vysočina region (TBD).
At the Afterparty, winners are announced and you'll receive your Finisher T-shirts.